Imperial enjoyment

Pleasure without limits!

Connoisseurs will find everything their heart desires in the Kaiserstuhl nature garden. The unique, Mediterranean Kaiserstuhl nature, which thrives on the volcanic hills rising up to 550 metres, and the 300 metre high Tuniberg with its typical loess layers, offer unforgettable scenic impressions. The fertile region in the south of Baden-Württemberg also produces a variety of culinary specialities. First and foremost the wine. After all, vines have been cultivated in the Kaiserstuhl, the largest of Baden's 9 wine-growing regions, and the Tuniberg for centuries. Pinot Gris and Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir red wine and noble varieties such as Muscat, Gewürztraminer and Scheurebe grow here.

The region is also known for its crunchy fruit and vegetables, especially asparagus and cherries, as well as preserved delicacies.

And the numerous wine taverns, traditional restaurants and Michelin-starred gastronomy also provide culinary variety.